Potawatomi Park Board
Staff, Board, Jr Board, Advisory Committee, Committee Members, & Past Board Members
Park Staff
Lacey Pfeiffer
Park Manager
Chad McIntire
Part Time Maintenance
Elected Potawatomi Park Inc Board Members
Up to fifteen (15) persons shall be elected. Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, Marshall, and St. Joseph Counties shall each be represented (via work or resides) by at least one (1) member. The remaining ten (10) members will be selected as at-large members.
Tim Gochenour
*Representative for Marshall County
*Agri-Business - Owner
JH Northrop
Board Vice President
*Representative for
Fulton County
*Board Vice President
*Sawmill Operator
Mark Espich
*Representative for
St. Joseph County
*St. Jo Co. Health Dept.
Amber VanNess
*Representative for
Kosciusko County
*Human Resources Generalist at OMCO
Tim Berger
*Representative from Elkhart County
“I wanted to join the board to help with the success of the park and give back to our community.”
Wyatt Stephen
*Board President
*Pharmaceutical Project Manager
Keith McIntire
*Career Firefighter at City of Mishawaka & Volunteer Firefighter at Tippecanoe Fire
River Watson
*Board Secretary
*Education: Environmental Education
Tom Devros
* Retired: Forest Management & Lumber
“I wanted to join the board to help with wood lot management to keep the grounds healthy and viable for the future”
Holly Sellers
*Bowen Center Skills Coach
“I wanted to join the board because I have a history with Potawatomi Park. Many memories were made with my grandpa and I want to be able to give back to a place that meant a lot to me growing up.”
Mandy Nifong
*Medical assistant
Alex Gaughan
*College Student pursing Technology
*Volunteer Firefighter
Open Position
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Open Position
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Open Position
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Appointed Potawatomi Park Inc Board Members
The board shall be composed of five (5) persons representing the five (5) service club organizations
Jeff Klinefelter
*Appointed by:
Etna Green Lions
*Professional Wildlife Artist
Open Position
For appointment from Bremen Kiwanis
Open Position
For appointment from Bourbon Lions
Open Position
For appointment from Triton Kiwanis
(Currently not an active group)
Open Position
For appointment from Mentone Lions
(Currently not an active group)
Junior Board Members
Two (2) junior board members, ages 16 to 17, may serve in an advisory capacity. At the age of 18, a junior board member may apply for a regular board member position if one is available. Junior board members do not have governance responsibility or voting power and do not count towards the 20 total board members.
Open Position
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Open Position
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Advisory Committee
Don Fites
Retired - living in Florida
Former chairman and CEO of Caterpillar, Inc.
Dan stichter
President at OrthoLazer
Dr. Micheal Williams
Warsaw, Indiana
Dr Mark Schurr
Professor of Anthropology at Notre Dame
Dave Gibson
Owner Gibson Insurance Agency
Ginny Gibson
Business Women
Interested in joining the team?
Interested in joining the BOARD: Click here for the board application
Interested in joining the BOARD as a JUNIOR board member: Click here for Junior Board member application
Interested in joining a COMMITTEE: email potawatomiwildlifepark@gmail.com *This position is not a board member position and nonvoting
Steering & Finance Committee- Wyatt(Chair), Mark
Grounds, Buildings and Maintenance Committee- Jeff(Chair), Alex, Tim, Keith, J.H., River, & Tommy
Grounds tree task force: JH, River, Tommy, Terry Scott
Donor Relations - Wyatt(Chair), Mark
Human Resources & Administration Committee- Amber(Chair), J.H., Wyatt
Events & Marketing Committee - Mark(Chair), J.H., Mandy, Wyatt
Interested in joining the Advisory Committee: email potawatomiwildlifepark@gmail.com(1) A little about yourself, (2) your expertise, (3) the reason you would like to serve on the advisory committee.
Thank you past board members for your service
Amanda Petrucelli
Barry Davis
Bette K. McDaniel
Betty Bessinger
Bill Cleavenger
Bill Price
Bill Veldt
Brian Pyle
Brooke Downing
Carol Bowen
Eldon Horn
Forrest Kantner
Gerald Romine
Jay Grossman
Jim New
John Anglin JR
Jon Cook
Jordan Maiden (2015 -
Kevin Pfeiffer
Larry Beeson (1987 - 2024)
Lisa Eiser
Louise Mason
Lynn Utter
Lynne Baldwin
Mark Schurr
Margaret Easton (2015 -
Michael Williams
Nick Treber
Robert Fisher
Roger Terry
Ron Zimmerman (2017 -
Seth Carter
Sylvia Bieghler
Tana Beeson
Wayne Bessinger
Wes Rettinger (2015 -
Thank you past advisory committee members for your service
Capt. William Pippenger
Dr. Cecil Burket
Dr. Dane Miller
John Zeglis
Ralph Mason
Ronald D. Gifford
Suzzie Light
William Erwin